The Inner Eye
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Alright, it looks like its working. Fantastic.

I'm new to the blog scene. Those I've read seem to talk about anything and everything. I'll probably do that too, but the main reason I'm doing this is so I have a handy place to jot down my ideas.

See, I've got tons of 'em. More than I know what to do with. Most of them sit on my hard drive collecting digital dust. Every so often I'll get them out, dust them off, and either I'll play with 'em for awhile, or I'll put 'em back.

My website is a prime example. There's a TON of stuff I want to do with it, but right now, its utter chaos. Every project has its own directory or two. I keep meaning to further develop the main page (www.inverse-reality.com) into an organized launch point for my projects. The structure is there, but the PHP code to drive it is still "in the works."

Over the next couple posts I'll take some time to introduce you to a few of my biggest projects...
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